Current Office Holder Opportunities
We seek a new Treasurer to drive our finance and accounting responsibilities. The role is supported by limited administrative support.
We are looking for candidates with the following skills and expertise:
• Bachelor's or master's degree in finance, accounting or a relevant field.
• Demonstrated experience as treasurer of an NFP or in a relevant executive financial management position.
• Knowledge of NFP accounting principles and financial management practices
• Experience and/or interest in the Aid, Development & Humanitarian sector
• Effective Communication & team skills
• Experience working on NFP committees & boards of member-based organisations
• Interest in developing governance skills
WiAD is an inclusive organisation that values and celebrates diversity. We welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds.
Appointment & Term
Directors are appointed to a casual vacancy and are elected by members at the next AGM for a term of 3 years and may then present themselves for election for two additional terms of three years.
On appointment, you must be a voting member of WiAD, and the position is not remunerated. The organisation is national and operates virtually so directors may be located across Australia.
For the Position Description email womeninaidanddevelopment@outlook.com. You can find our annual report and financial report on our website.
How to Apply
To apply for the role please send a short CV and cover letter (of not more than 1 page) addressed to the WiAD Chair at womeninaidanddevelopment@outlook.com by Monday 8 April 2024.
Are you looking for a role?
Make these websites your first port of call for job searching in the aid and development sector in Australia.
Australian Council for International Development (ACFID)
Women on Boards Note: to access director vacancies you have to be a WOB member.
Make sure you stop by the blog first for some great tips to nail your interview!
Become A Volunteer
We are always looking for people to help with events in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and online. Volunteers help to source speakers, find venues and share the event invitations. If you would like to get involved, please reach out.